上海惠靈頓外籍人員子女學校的現任校長麥傑德先生畢業於倫敦政經學院,並隨後在倫敦教育學院接受教師培訓。麥傑德於1988年開始執教生涯,在北約克郡的Stokesley學校教授經濟學,其後在Balcarras School 擔任預科負責人。2004年時,他被任命為英國著名學校Sheldon School 的校長,該校在英教育標準辦公室的38項評級中被評為傑出。麥傑德於2010年被評為英國國家教育領導者,2011年時該校被評為全英最佳100所學校之一。2012年時,他移居中東,擔任位於卡達的世界最大的國際學校校長。
The Master of Wellington College International Shanghai is Gerard MacMahon.
Born in Dublin and raised in Bristol, Gerard graduated from the London School of Economics and trained as a teacher at London’s Institute of Education. He began his career in 1988 teaching economics at Stokesley in North Yorkshire. Gerard then became the founding head of Sixth Form at Balcarras School in Cheltenham.
In 2004 he was appointed headteacher of the highly successful Sheldon School in Chippenham, Wiltshire. In 2008, Sheldon School was judged outstanding in all 38 inspection categories by Ofsted.
Gerard was made a National Leader of Education in 2010 and Sheldon was identified as one of the top 100 schools in England when becoming a Teaching School in 2011.
Gerard MacMahon Gerard moved to Qatar in 2012 to be headmaster of one of the world’s largest international schools.