七下 Unit2 Grammar (The simple future tense)

七下 Unit2 Grammar (The simple future tense)

《七下 Unit2 Grammar (The simple future tense)》是車邏中學提供的微課課程,主講教師是薛志倩。


  • 中文名:七下 Unit2 Grammar (The simple future tense)
  • 提供學校:車邏中學
  • 主講教師:薛志倩
  • 類別:微課




PPT1 Introduction to this period. A Simple future tense with will and shall PPT2 Step 1 Revision Enjoy a song T: First, please enjoy a song. Let’s sing together. How will the school be today? 【設計意圖:從歌曲中引出will,快速導入本節課的教學內容。】 PPT3-4 About Simon: (1) What are volunteers going to do this weekend? (2) Annie’s bicycle is broken. How will she get help? (3)There’s something wrong with Simon’s computer. How will he get help? 【設計意圖:通過對Simon和其鄰居的提問,複習Reading,引出用will和be going to.】 PPT5-7 Step 2 Presentation Will or shall (1) Match the subjects on the left with will or shall on the right. (2) Learn about some short forms about will and shall. (3) Read a chant. 【設計意圖:用連線的形式,介紹與will和shall連用的主語。用比賽讀歌謠的形式,激發學生的興趣,提高他們的課堂參與性。】 PPT 8 The basic form Complete the tables about the simple future tense with will or shall. 【設計意圖:將書上的表格以填空的形式呈現給學生,讓學生在練習中學會歸納will和shall的各種句型結構。】 PPT 9-11 The usage of the simple future tense with will or shall (1) Use will or shall to complete the sentences. We use will or shall to talk about things that are sure to happen in the future. (2) Ask and answer in pairs: What will you do this evening? We use will or shall to talk about plans that we are making now. 【設計意圖:通過設定不同情景,引入will和shall兩種用法。】 PPT12 Step 3 Practice Pair work T: Work in pairs and talk about what you will do next week. 【設計意圖:讓學生根據設定的情景編對話,在對話中鞏固各句型的用法。】 B Simple future tense with be going to PPT13 Step 1 Presentation T: We use be going to do… to express the simple future tense. 1. Match the subjects with be going to 2. Learn about some short forms about be going to 【設計意圖:再次通過情境導出be going to,引導學生自己歸納出be going to的基本結構。】 PPT 14 Be going to (1) Match the subjects on the left with be going to on the right. (2) Learn about some short forms about be going to. 【設計意圖:用連線的形式,介紹與be going to連用的主語。】 PPT 15 Work out the basic form T: Complete the tables about the simple future tense with be going to. 【設計意圖:將書上的表格以填空的形式呈現給學生,讓學生在練習中學會歸納be going to的各種句型結構。】 PPT 16-19 The usage of the simple future tense with be going to (1) Use be going to to talk about something we decide to do. (2) Use be going to to talk about things that will probably happen. (3) Fill the blanks with the correct forms of be going to. 【設計意圖:通過設定不同情景,引入be going to兩種用法。】 PPT 20-22 Step 2 Practice Complete the conversation T: Simon is going to have a day out with his uncle’s family the day after tomorrow. Complete his conversation with Amy by using the correct forms of be going to. 【設計意圖:設定情境,讓學生利用所學結構進行語言輸出。這樣做既發揮了語言的語用功 能,同時培養了學生小組合作學習的方式。】 PPT23 Step 3 Summary T: Boys and girls, today we’ve learnt the simple future tense. (1) What do we use the simple future tense to talk about? (2) Do you still remember the basic forms of the simple future tense? (3) When shall we use the simple future tense? (4) What time expressions are always used with the simple future tense? 【設計意圖:通過思維導圖的形式,幫助學生複習本節課學習的語法結構。】 PPT 24 Thanks for your attention。

