- 中文名:丁鵬基
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:超強飛秒雷射脈衝在氣體介質中的原子和分子激射效應
- 任職院校:蘭州大學核科學與技術學院
2019/05– ,蘭州大學,核科學與技術學院,青年研究員
2017/03- 2019/03,瑞典隆德大學,物理學院燃燒物理系,博士後
2016/10 - 2016/12,法國巴黎-薩克雷大學,綜合理工學院,套用光學研究所,博士後
2013/10 - 2016/09,法國巴黎-薩克雷大學,綜合理工學院,套用光學研究所,博士
2010/09 - 2013/09,蘭州大學,核科學與技術學院,碩博連讀研究生
2006/09 - 2010/06,蘭州大學,核科學與技術學院,學士
1.超強飛秒雷射脈衝在氣體介質中的原子和分子激射效應(Atomic and Molecular LasingEffect)
2.非線性光學診斷技術(NonlinearOptical Diagnostics Techniques)
1.The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund, Endowments for the Natural Sciences, Medicine and Technology, “Wavefront-controlled backward lasing technique for combustion diagnostics,” 2018.11 – 2019.11, Grant amount: 249000 Kr
1.Yi Liu,Pengji Ding, Aurélien Houard, and André Mysyrowicz, “The Role of Electron Collisions in Lasing in Neutral and Singly Ionized Molecular Nitrogen”, Air Lasing, 01/2018: pages 45-74;
2.Yi Liu, Sergey Mitryukovskiy,Pengji Ding, Guillaume Point, Yohann Brelet, Aurélien Houard, Arnaud Couairon, and André Mysyrowicz, “Backward Lasing of Femtosecond Plasma Filaments”, Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XII, 10/2015: pages 89-103; Springer.,
1.Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science, Gordon Research Conference, June 23-28, 2019, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
2.18thEuropean Conference On Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy, April 7-10, 2019, Rouen, France
3.37th International Symposium on Combustion,July 29 - August 03, 2018,Dublin, Ireland
4.7th International Conference on Laser Filamentation, June 25-30,2018, Geneva, Switzerland
5.Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, May 5-10, 2018, San Jose, USA
6.Nordic Flame Days conference, October 10-11,2017, Stockholm, Sweden
7.Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, June 5-10, 2016, San Jose,USA
8.International Conference on Laser Filamentation, September 5-9,2016, Quebec, Canada
9.Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe 2015), June 21-25,2015, Munich, Germany
1.Pengji Ding*, Maria Ruchkina, Davide Del Cont-Bernard, Andreas Ehn, Deanna A. Lacoste, and Joakim Bood, 'Detection of atomic oxygen in a plasma-assisted flame via a backward lasing technique,' Opt. Lett.44, 5477-5480 (2019).
2.Maria Ruchkina,Pengji Ding, Marcus Aldén, Joakim Bood, and Christian Brackmann*, 'Two-photon-excited fluorescence of CO: experiments and modeling,' Opt. Express27, 25656-25669 (2019).
3.Pengji Ding*, Maria Ruchkina, Yi Liu, Marcus Alden, and Joakim Bood, 'Gain mechanism of femtosecond two-photon-excited lasing effect in atomic hydrogen' Opt. Lett.44, 2374-2377 (2019).
4.Maria Ruchkina,Pengji Ding*, Andreas Ehn, Marcus Aldén, and Joakim Bood, “Single-shot, spatially-resolved stand-off detection of atomic hydrogen via backward lasing in flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,37(2), 1281-1288(2019).
5.Pengji Ding*, Maria Ruchkina, Yi Liu, Marcus Aldén, and Joakim Bood, 'Femtosecond two-photon-excited backward lasing of atomic hydrogen in a flame,' Opt. Lett.43, 1183-1186 (2018).
6.Yi Liu,Pengji Ding, Neven Ibrakovic, Samuel N. Bengtsson, Shihua Chen, Rostyslav Danylo, Emma R. Simpson, Esben W. Larsen, Xiang Zhang, Zhengquan Fan, Aurélien Houard, Johan Mauritsson, Anne L’Huillier, Cord L. Arnold, Songlin Zhuang, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, and André Mysyrowicz*, “Unexpected Sensitivity of Nitrogen Ions Superradiant Emission on Pump Laser Wavelength and Duration,” Phys. Rev. Lett.119(20), 203205 (2017).
7.Pengji Ding, Juan Carlos Escudero, Aurelien Houard, Alberto Sanchis, Javier Vera, Sergio Vicens, Yi Liu, and Eduardo Oliva*, 'Nonadiabaticity of cavity-free neutral nitrogen lasing', Phys. Rev. A.96, 033810 (2017).
8.Pengji Ding, Eduardo Oliva, Aurelien Houard, Andre Mysyrowicz, and Yi Liu*, 'Lasing dynamics of neutral nitrogen molecules in femtosecond filaments', Phys. Rev. A.94, 043824 (2016).
9.Yi Liu*,Pengji Ding, Guillaume Lambert, Aurelien Houard, Vladimir Tikhonchuk, and André Mysyrowicz, 'Recollision-Induced Superradiance of Ionized Nitrogen Molecules', Phys. Rev. Lett.115(13), 133203 (2015).
10.Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Yi Liu*,Pengji Ding, Aurélien Houard, Arnaud Couairon, and André Mysyrowicz, “Plasma Luminescence from Femtosecond Filaments in Air: Evidence for Impact Excitation with Circularly Polarized Light Pulses,” Phys. Rev. Lett.114(6), 063003 (2015).
11.Pengji Ding, Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Aurélien Houard, Eduardo Oliva, Arnaud Couairon, André Mysyrowicz, and Yi Liu*, “Backward Lasing of Air plasma pumped by Circularly polarized femtosecond pulses for the saKe of remote sensing (BLACK),” Optics Express22(24), 029964 (2014).
12.Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Yi Liu,Pengji Ding, Aurélien Houard, and André Mysyrowicz, “Backward stimulated radiation from filaments in nitrogen gas and air pumped by circularly polarized 800 nm femtosecond laser pulses,” Opt. Express22, 12750-12759 (2014).
13.Guillaume Point, Yi Liu, Yohann Brelet, Sergey Mitryukovskiy,Pengji Ding, Aurélien Houard, and André Mysyrowicz, “Lasing of ambient air with microjoule pulse energy pumped by a multi-terawatt infrared femtosecond laser,” Opt. Lett.39, 1725-1728 (2014).