

中國北方缺水,南方水患,世紀工程“南水北調”解決了這一歷史難題。《一江清水北上》是“綠色中國夢”系列之一,是作者在真實的採訪過程中,對“南水北調”工程從提起的緣由和具體的實施情況的文學再現,是講述“南水北調”治污的紀實性文學報告。全書共分七章,一時間為主線,以東、中線為出發點,講述了中國政府和南水北調沿線地區和人民為解決中國北方缺水問題所做出的不懈努力和付出的辛勤勞動。人與自然要和諧發展,任何以破壞自然為代價的經濟發展都是得不償失的,這既是“綠色中國夢”的主旨,也是 《一江清水北上》要告訴世人的啟示。


  • 書名:一江清水北上
  • 作者:裔兆宏
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 頁數:226頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:五洲傳播
  • 外文名:The Clear Rivers to the North
  • 譯者:陳方琪
  • 出版日期:2014年7月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787508527468







Chapter Ⅰ
Great Power in Action
Chapter Ⅱ
“Ordeal” to Deliver Water to Northern China
Chapter Ⅲ
Jiangsu the Pioneer
Chapter Ⅳ
The rebirth of Shandong
Danjiangkou says NO to pollution
The End


“Beautiful China”, a wonderland longed for by its people;
“Beautiful China” presents the natural beauty of embracing environment;
“Beautiful China” embodies harmonious beauty of scientific development.
“Beautiful China” displays the beauty of humanity with a warm heart.
In spring, I walked in Jiangdu Water Control Project. With beautiful sunshine sprinkled, Tongyang Canal and Mangdaohe River peacefully lie afar and nothing seemed to be able to bother them. Exuberant trees and luscious grasses encompass the pumping station that is joyfully watching butterflies and little birds. Even the air smelled sweet, refreshing people’s mind. Willows, along the river, were like ladies combing long, long hair, creating an image of rainy spring day. This was a true paradise.
In spring, I walked into Weishanhu wetland of Tengzhou. Red lotus and reed that stretched for dozens of miles took up my sight, along with those unknown weeds tenderly swayed by the river flow; bamboos were wildly soaring into the sky, tall and strong. The color of green ran as far as my sight could reach, only to find sporadical red spots, which were actually the leaf of ferns penetrated by the sunshine.
Ascending to the vessel retired from military use, I traveled on the vast lake. I threw my sight to the farthest point and all I could see was the exquisite scenery of rolling water and clustering birds crossing the sky.


I always believe that everything has its destiny and that nature would operate according to rules. All crimes against nature will be punished. Only if the rules are followed, can disasters be avoided.
Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the People’s University of China released a report which stated the urban capacity of Beijing has reached the danger level and thus Beijing is in a state of crisis.1 The major reason is that as the pressure on city capacity increases, the capacity to support the population decreases.
Shi Minjun, Vice Director of the Virtual Economy and Data Science Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, who was a co-author of the report, says that the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has a serious water resource shortage problem and its water resource per capita is well below the international standard for a serious water shortage.
According to the analysis in the report, Beijing’s local water resource could only support 6.67 million people, 40 percent of the current population.
This Spring, when we were worried about Beijing’s water resource shortage, many people were devoting themselves in a dedicated way to the south-to-north water diversion project.
Let’s take a look at the Eastern Line first. In spring, the water flows vigorously.
At 12:58 p.m. March 15, when the order to “turn on the dam and release the water” was given at Jiangsu Suining Second Station, a gap suddenly opened at the downstream cofferdam. The usually peaceful Xuhong River rushed through the pipeline, along the river and into the Suining Station. The wing walls on both sides were like open arms.


