一封寫給自己的信 (Outro)

《一封寫給自己的信 (Outro)》是Uncle Damn演唱的歌曲,由Uncle Damn作詞作曲,收錄於專輯《Uncle Damn》。


  • 外文名:一封寫給自己的信 (Outro)
  • 所屬專輯:Uncle Damn
  • 歌曲原唱:Uncle Damn
  • 填詞:Uncle Damn
  • 譜曲:Uncle Damn
  • 發行日期:2019年10月13日
no one understand it but you still rap it 就算沒人理解你你還是堅持著著英語說唱
i know your first idol they usually call him rabbit 我知道你是一個偶像是艾米納姆
i know u miss ur grandma you miss you the time when you having fun 我知道你想念你奶奶 我知道你想念那些美好的時光
i can feel the joyful so you listen clear 我能感覺到你內心的快樂 所以你好好聽我訴說這一封我給你寫的信
no matter the letter to past or to the future 無論這封信會繼承你過去還是代表你未來
i wish yall pray for the days get better sonner 我希望這些不好的日子儘快過去
i was pure even now i can get the goosebumps when i looking at the bees 我知道你至今看到蜜蜂都會起雞皮疙瘩
too much of these 你害怕的事情太多了
paradoxes grand of mind nervous 新青年 till now whos left 你創立的那些組合到現在只有你一個人剩下了
the one who started it,you was meant to be alone 只有你一個人剩下 你注定孤獨一人
you should go solo or you should go back to home 你應該單幹或者就不應該靠近說唱
listen to the elders listen to your friends 多聽聽你家人和你朋友的意見
listen to the teacher before you go back again 在你做錯事之前聽聽你老師說的話
another mistake you made is good for you 吃一塹長一智
like a jingle bell every time it reminded you 你犯下的錯誤會在未來像警鐘一樣提醒你
look at yourself how can you call yourself a man 看看你自己 你咋就把你自己叫做一個真正的男子漢了
you never met the men who can hold the sand in his hand 你從來沒有遇到過影響你一生的人
its a lie right you always cry right 你經常說謊吧 你經常哭吧
you always ols time sake cause you scard of future right 你經常想念過去因為你害怕未來對吧
or the present making you drop tears everynight或者是因為當下讓你無法承受
you might lose everything you love in one second and light 你也許會在一秒內失去所有東西
never gloom again 內心的火焰會燃燒殆盡
the flower never bloom again 一朵花不會開第二次
okay let me ask you somethin' 好吧那我問問你
do you ever loyalty to your first love or the second i know you never cheated 你有真正珍惜過你的愛情嗎
but deep inside you never love them you never put you heart on them 我知道你內心深處不愛她們
you never put your mind on them then why the 你從來沒想把心思放在她們身上那為什麼
you ruin the best time to feel the teenage love 為什麼要毀掉你青春時期談戀愛最純真的時刻
you should have be smarter and have your own teenage crush 你應該聰明點並尋找屬於自己愛
i know you regret all the time because you always rush 我知道你很多時候因為倉促做決定而後悔
and do you remember the first time when you get caught 你還記得你第一次抽菸被抓的時候么
smoking cigars at the back of school yard 那時候你還在學校院子後面
get punishment and hurt your mamas heart 被抓了吃了處分上了你媽媽的心
and your father always teach you to do this and do this 你爸爸經常告訴你什麼該做什麼不該做
although trouble come he do it by himself 當然每次麻煩都是他一個人解決
he never ask for you help but you ask for him 他從不需要你的幫助但你經常需要他的幫助
can you feel his tiredness please look at him 你看看你爸爸有多么疲勞
how many pain how many tears 多少淚水多少痛苦
but you still kid too much lessons to learn 但你還是個孩子你的路還長
how many time you feeling depressed多少次你覺得抑鬱
but you said you okay all the hate need to burn 但是你卻裝作沒事想想你內心有多少不解
you should stay away from you hobbies but they made you 你應該遠離說唱但是他成就了你
you call the basement the lobbies who created you 你把地下室叫做工作室 誰又創作了你
the cultural the city the inner influence of pity 是這個城市么 是這個文化么
the power your friend your hood 是你內心的力量么 是你朋友么
the sunshine the waters 是陽光是泉水嗎
the one who bullys you 是那個欺負你的人嗎
the one who really love you 是那個發自內心愛你的人么
the one who follow you 是你的冬粉嗎
the one who back stab to you 是那個背叛你的人么
no matter what made you should feel happy 無論是什麼你都應該感到開心
memory have the fragrant smell it it is sweet 回憶是有味道的
and the image is beautiful 那次回憶很美麗對吧
the snowy day you was 6 your family just come out from a restruant 外面下著雪你才六歲看著你父母從飯店慢慢走出來
the sunset you was 8 the hills give you the feelin you just wanna run黃昏的山丘讓你想放飛自己內心 那時你才八歲
and the first game you play the first girl you hold hand還有你第一次玩遊戲的時候 你第一個牽手的女孩
the first tv you watched the first stranger you talk 第一個你看的電視節目 第一個你親自交流的陌生人
the first school you went some of them you still remember 第一個你去的學校 這些你都還記得么
some of them are not some of them are so touch
some of them are such pity 有些你不記得 有些很感動 但有些卻很可惜
i mean really do you like the feeling 我得意思是你真的喜歡這個感覺嗎
do you like the expression when you akward som body 你喜歡你尷尬某人的時候他們臉上的表情嗎
do you like the odds you feelin depressed again 你真的喜歡那抑鬱中的痛苦嗎
do you like the sence of panic when you try against 你真的會喜歡遇到阻礙時的緊張嗎
then change it especially you motions 那么你就需要改變你自己 尤其是你的情緒
break it control it expend your paitence like a dice roll it 好好控制自己的情緒 別讓情緒控制你
i know too much good things always left behind 我知道很多美好的事情都會落在後面
i know all the good friend always left behind 我知道你會擦肩而過很多好朋友
i know you are weak so you are weaker inside 我知道你內心很脆弱
i know you wanna change so you change from inside我知道你要改變你只能改變你自己
i know most of yall never gonna listen to this 我知道你們很多人不會聽這首歌
i know most of yall never care about my feeling 我知道很多人根本不在乎我
i know sometimes i really wanna suaside 我知道有些時候我真的想自我了結
i know sometimes i have to do or die 我知道有些時候我必須直衝
pray for myself when one day i go to the heaven 希望在未來當我消逝的時候
my voice and my mind can lead nothing to something 我的聲音和我的影響會成就些什麼
i pray for the good people can get the good life 我希望好人會有好報
i pray for family to happiness day and night 我希望每一個家庭都可以幸福圓滿
im no one 我誰都不是
im no one 我誰都不是
im just a rapper 我只是一個說唱歌手
im just a boy who with a dream 我只是一個有夢想的孩子
my name is elzat 我叫elzat
you can call me uncle damn 你可以叫我丹姆叔叔

