



  • 中文名:一句話說出美國范兒老美常用職場英語
  • 作者:金利
  • 出版社:水利水電出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年01月
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787517029267


本書以時下最熱門的話題為切入口,為大家示範*“美國范兒”的英文表達,結合時下流行的美劇、電影,奉上全球最地道的英語盛宴。不僅如此,本書在細數*“美國范兒”話題的同時,更加注重從句式和辭彙的角度夯實讀者最基本的英語基礎知識,在同一個主題下發散式地為大家奉上極具輻射性的相關表達,豐富大家的句庫和口語辭彙,達到舉一反三的學習效果,為你打造一口準確地道的流利美語。 本書包含美國人朝九晚五最常用、最實用的職場話題,從職場敲門磚、招賢納士、員工考核到辦公室英語、電話英語、商務英語,職場精英需要的口語表達都在這裡。職場精英每天上班要用的話隨需隨查,總能找到你最需要的那一句。


Chapter 1 辦公情景——上班族一定會遇到
Sentence 1 公司要招兵買馬了,長江後浪推前浪。
We need someone able to h“the ground running.
Sentence 2 鬧鈴沒響中塞車,遲到的代價是慘痛的。
Your pay may be docked if you're late for work.
Sentence 3 加班給加班費,還是just加it?
Do I get overtime pay?
Sentence 4 不是藍屏,就是當機!這電腦怎么了?
The computer just crashed again.
Sentence 5 來吧,說說你的看法!Brainstorm動起來!
Would you like to share your idea?
Sentence 6 多謝來電!掛電話也要有禮貌喔。
Time to go.Talk to you soon.
Sentence 7 提忠告,給意見,都需要點技術含量。
That's the way it goes.
Sentence 8 介紹新產品:這款產品造型獨特。
It's a peculiarly shaped production.
Chapter 2 英文面試——職場敲門磚
Sentence 1 學歷?專業?自我介紹≠複述簡歷。
Please allow me to introduce myself.
Sentence 2 高效、麻利、有效率,咱的能力槓槓滴!
I am man of high efficiency.
Sentence 3 兼職or全職,工作經驗慢慢說。
Have you ever been cmployed?
Sentence 4 太注重細節,太追求完美,這到底是優點還是缺點呢?
I have a stable personality and hiSh sense of responsibility.
Sentence 5 長期目標就奔著CEO去了:
I hope I can become an expert in my field.
Sentence 6 底薪、提成、年終獎,一樣都不能落下。
What's your expected salary?
Sentence 7 五險——金,都有吧?周末、年假如何安排?
What kindofbenefitscomewiththejOb?
Sentence 8 工作和學習之外的你有何興趣愛好?
What do you do for leisure'7.
Sentence 9 請問,我有戲嗎?複試情況早知道。
Excuse me,have l got讓?
Chapter 3 人事行政——招賢納士、員工考核
Sentence 1 各位,這是咱公司的新人喔,熱烈歡迎!
Welcome aboard!Welcome to ourteam!
Sentence 2 業務不熟,有培訓嗎?
Will there be an orientation for Flew eomem?
Sentence 3 事假!病假!婚假!產假!生命需要假期。
I'd like to put in for one-hour's leave.
Sentence 4 他終於升了,升了!能升就好!
The promotion came as quite a surprise for me.
Sentence 5 職位調動,是驚?是喜?是別離?
You're transferred to the Sales Department.
Sentence 6 被解僱?公司是要賠錢的喔。
I got fired.
Sentence 7 跳槽!越跳越高,越跳越好嗎?
Job hopping is a very common thing.
Chapter 4 日常工作——雜七雜八事情多
Sentence 1 列印!複印!誰能幫我一下呢?
Print on both sides Ofthe paper.
Sentence 2 mail收到了嗎?期待早日收到你的回覆。
I'm looking forward to heating from you.
Sentence 3 Ladys & Gentlemen,會議提前一小時開。
Is the conference room available?
Sentence 4 不好意思,時間要改一下,下周一如何?
We need to push back to next Monday.
Sentence 5 工作review可不是匯報流水賬喔。
I actually have to report to you.
Chapter 5 電話英語——你聽懂了嗎?
Sentence 1 接電話!打電話!電話找人這么說。
May I speak toJohn?
Sentence 2 打電話要找對時間,趕上經理開會怎么辦?
Sony,he is tired up at the moment.
Sentence 3 抱歉,撥錯號碼了!
I hit the wrong button.Sony.
Sentence 4 不是一般的穿越,難道電話串線了?
The lines must be crossed.
Sentence 5 稍等,我幫您轉過去。
I'll connect you.
Sentence 6 明天下午,這個時間可以嗎?
When is a convenient time?
Sentence 7 他太忙,那就留個言吧!
May I take a massage?
Chapter 6 同事溝通——跟同事如何談感情
Sentence 1 求鼓勵!一句“幹得不錯”鼓勵一下!
Cheer up!
Sentence 2 求安慰!堅持住,情況會好起來的!
Hang in there.Things will get better.
Sentence 3 求諒解!“別擔心,這是常有的事兒!”
Don't worry about it.These things happen.
Sentence 4 三個臭皮匠,頂個諸葛亮!同事幫幫忙!
Please give me a hand.
Sentence 5 抱怨、牢騷,是到該說說的時候了。
Perhaps“’s time to address“.
Sentence 6 她人很nice,不要吝惜對別人的讚美!
He's a go-getter.
Sentence 7 我才不信呢!職場中的信任與懷疑。
Never tell me!
Chapter 7 商務貿易——是時候體現你的能力了
Sentence 1 夾腳拖、運動鞋,no,no,no!
Do not wear flip-flops or sneakers.
Sentence 2 很高興跟貴方見面——雙方見面。
It's great to finally meet you in person.
Sentence 3 深人了解的第一步——參觀工廠。
Why don't you give me a tour?
Sentence 4 這個價格不太合理!討價還價有竅門。
The price is unreasonable.
Sentence 5 這是我們能接受的最低價格。
That's the lowest price we can accept.
Sentence 6 我現在就給你下訂單,下單就放心了。
I'll get an order to you right away.
Sentence 7 Happyending!希望我們合作愉快!
It's great to have the opportunity to work withyou.
Sentence 8 萬事俱備,只欠契約啦,準備好就簽吧!
I'm already to sign the agreement.
Sentence 9 小小心意,大家隨意用餐喔。
Help yourself please.


