



  • ISBN:9787508533599
  • 作者:王瑤
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年4月1日
  • 頁數:180
  • 定價:198
  • 裝幀:精裝
俄羅斯有一句古老的諺語:“同一駕雪橇上坐的,既有痛苦,也有歡樂。”王瑤的影像所記錄的,正是如此。轉型的陣痛,廣泛地呈現在俄羅斯社會生活中,街頭的乞討,白領的無奈,一種失落的抑鬱發散在社會底層。然而,俄羅斯不會頹廢,不會沉淪。王瑤用一幅影像傳導了這個信念:在電網纜索交錯中,一個雕塑高揚著右臂,緊握著劍柄,昂首向前。這就是今日俄羅斯。 As an ancient proverb in Russia goes, “On the same sleigh, there are both pains and joys.” That’s exactly whatWang Yao’s images have recorded. The labor of transformation is pervasive in social life. Beggars in st...(展開全部) 俄羅斯有一句古老的諺語:“同一駕雪橇上坐的,既有痛苦,也有歡樂。”王瑤的影像所記錄的,正是如此。轉型的陣痛,廣泛地呈現在俄羅斯社會生活中,街頭的乞討,白領的無奈,一種失落的抑鬱發散在社會底層。然而,俄羅斯不會頹廢,不會沉淪。王瑤用一幅影像傳導了這個信念:在電網纜索交錯中,一個雕塑高揚著右臂,緊握著劍柄,昂首向前。這就是今日俄羅斯。 As an ancient proverb in Russia goes, “On the same sleigh, there are both pains and joys.” That’s exactly whatWang Yao’s images have recorded. The labor of transformation is pervasive in social life. Beggars in streets, frustration of white collars, there is a sense of alienation and depression spread in the low social strata. However, Russia will not become degenerated, nor will it be degraded. With one image, Wang Yao conveyed this message: Amid interwoven wires of the power grid, a statue of a man wields his right arm high, holding fast to the handle of his sword, striding proudly ahead with his head held high. This is Russia today. 王瑤,中國攝影家協會主席,曾任新華社副總編輯、中國新聞社副總編輯。先後獲中國新聞獎、范長江新聞獎等30多箇中外攝影獎項。2000年以《60歲舞蹈家重返舞台》組照獲第43屆世界新聞攝影比賽藝術獎金獎(荷賽獎)。出版個人攝影作品集《中國故事》《後911》《看不見的京劇》《當代中國?庫布其》《當代中國?哈爾濱的春天》等。 Wang Yao, President of China Photographers Association, born in Beijing in April 1970, graduated from Dept. of Journalism, Renmin University of China with a bachelor’s degree.


