



  • 外文名:wretched
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音:[ˈretʃɪd]
  • 美式讀音:[ˈretʃɪd]


英 [ˈretʃɪd] 美 [ˈretʃɪd]
adj. 可憐的,悲慘的;(表示憎惡)討厭的,該死的;感到不適的,不愉快的;極壞的,惡劣的


wretched a 拙劣的 ; 不幸的 ; 令人苦惱的 ; 討厭的
of wretched appearance 容貌 ; 邊幅 ; 鄙陋
break the wretched cycle 打破惡性循環
The Wretched Boy 壞孩子
Wretched man 可憐的人 ; 可憐人 ; 倒霉的人 ; 猥瑣男
The wretched and the meek 貧苦與軟弱的人們
Wretched Village 悲慘村莊


  • She finally agreed to have the wretched animal put down. 她最後同意用藥結束這頭可憐的動物的生命。
  • The wretched Hatter trembled so, that he shook both his shoes off. 可憐的帽商聽到這話,嚇得渾身發抖,連兩隻鞋都抖掉了。
  • The wretched prisoners were dragged from the hold, all except Wendy, and ranged in line in front of him. 可憐的囚犯們被從船艙里拖了出來,除了溫迪,全都都在他面前排成一列。
  • You look wretched—what's wrong? 你看起來愁眉苦臉的,怎么啦?
  • I feel really confused and wretched. 我真的感到迷惑和難過。
  • She had a wretched time of it at school. 她上學時的日子十分難熬。
  • We have sorted out this wretched business at last. 我們終於處理了這起惡劣的事件。
  • I felt wretched about the way things had turned out. 事情落了這么個結局,我感到很難受。
  • The animals are kept in the most wretched conditions. 這些動物的飼養條件極其惡劣。
  • Wretched woman, he thought, why the hell can't she wait? 討厭的女人,他想,她怎么就不能等等呢?
  • His stomachache made him feel wretched (i.e. ill) all day. 他胃疼得整天十分難受(即生病)。
  • My mother died when I was born and it makes him wretched to look at me. 我母親在我出生時就去世了,這讓他一看到我就覺得很難過。
  • It was the most wretched misery, dragged from among the filthiest rags. 這是穿著襤褸衣服的,窮苦的化身。
  • Nothing but wretched huts can I see anywhere; just as if I were at Ringstead. 到處都是破破爛爛的小屋;就像我在林斯特德一樣。
  • I am too ill, and wretched and distracted; but I wish you to be happy and comfortable. 我病得太厲害了,痛苦不堪,心煩意亂;但我希望你快樂和舒適。
  • It is a wretched palace, and you are not King's children, you are disreputable children! 這是一個骯髒的宮殿,你們不是公主王子,你們是群私生子!
  • At last he said, "Oh, you wretched beard-cleaner, you piebald fool, you hungry mouse-hunter, what can you be thinking of?" 最後他說:“喔,你這個討厭的大鬍子倒霉蛋兒,你這個花斑傻瓜,你這個飢餓的捕鼠者,你在想什麼呢?”
  • This is a wretched beginning indeed! 一開頭就這樣糟糕,可真要命!
  • The wretched minister! 這個不幸的牧師!
  • The story is not all wretched, however. 然而,故事不完全是悲慘的。
  • She lamented to us about her wretched lot. 她向我們哀嘆自己悲慘的遭遇。
  • What wretched errors hath my heart committed! 我的心犯了多么可悲的錯誤。
  • The plane has beendelayed by wretched weather. 因天氣不好,飛機誤點了。
  • You can’t trust this wretched technology, can you? 你不能相信這種蹩腳的技術,對不對?
  • I cannot picture myself in a more wretched condition. 我想像不出一個比這更悲慘的境地了。
  • It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency. 它是貧乏、污穢與可憐的自滿。
  • I suppose I'd better go and look for the wretched man. 我想我最好去找找那個可憐的人。

